Feb 26, 2015

Movie Review

In my movie review class we were asked to review one of our favorite movies. I was very happy to write about The Encounter, and I am very happy to share it with you.



Distributed by Pure Flix Entertainment
Director: David A.R. White
Runtime: 1hr & 25min
Rating: NR


Lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, and five strangers (a businessman, a single woman, a married couple, and a runaway teen) were on the road traveling towards their own separate destinations.
They were brought together, or stopped together at an unforeseen road block and they were forced to turn back the way they had came.
The five strangers decided to take shelter at a nearby diner, called Last Chance. 
There they came face to face with the owner of the diner, a man named Jesus, and there they had an encounter of a lifetime.
            The Encounter is a deep, thought provoking film which brings up tough questions and answers them. The characters pasts, presents, and futures are brought to the light. Unbelief, heaven and hell, sexual abuse, divorce and other issues and discussed within a biblical worldview.
            There wasn’t any language in the film other than “idiot” and “jerk” which were spoken in the beginning of the movie by two people who couldn’t hear each other.
Violence was very minimal and un graphic. There was a car crash(not shown) and two of the characters( in flashbacks) contemplated suicide by pills and a gun.
             This movie was powerful and heart touching, with a well developed script, strong acting, and a great message.


Feb 18, 2015


Get to know your Villian's right hand man challenge for the writing contest on Red Lettering. I picked option "Write about when Villian and minion meet".

Cyrus walked down the corridor, his boots lightly clicking on the stone. The air was cool and the dim torches cast seething shadows on the walls.
His fists flexed, imagining the smooth handgrip of his knives. That cursed Adeerian prisoner was serving in the presence of Prince Shapur, and was being allowed to train with weapons? What was the godking thinking?
He was putting his son, the Crowned Prince, in peril by even letting the Adeerian live!
He clenched his teeth, a low hiss escaping through his lips. He had voiced his fears to the king and the prince but to no avail.

"As the top bodyguard of Prince Shapur your blade will ever be wary, young Cyrus, son of  Mirza". King Sargon had said " And we doubt that you will ever fail."

A veiled threat of course. Protect the prince no matter what danger he puts himself into or face torture and execution
If the royalty wished to amuse themselves with a snake then so be it. He would just have to wait for the fiend to raise his head, then he would strike it down.

His sensitive ears caught the sound of soft footfalls behind him. The air chilled several degrees. He whirled, his hand dropping to his belt knife. A richly robed figure glided towards him, purposeful, solemm.
Cyrus's eyes widened when the torch light glinted off the large ornate shoulder pin marking the godking's advisors. He knelt, tapping his head on his knee then standing to attention. "My lord advisor."
The lean man walked up and stopped beside him, looking both directions down the corridor. He felt the fine hairs on his neck lift slighty. Why did he have the feeling that the advisior was checking if they were alone? "Advisor?"
The advisor turned his thin face and stared at him. "Are you Cyrus, son of Mirza, bodyguard of Prince Shapur?" He asked, his voice barely echoing against the walls.
Cyrus lowered his tone to match the advisor's. "Yes my lord, I am responsible for guarding the prince with my life. He is in the protection of the godking's guards as I am completing a mission for him."
"Good, I wish to talk with you before you return to his side. My name is Advisor Hult, closest to the godking's ear."
"Lord Hult," Cyrus dipped his head. "how can I serve you?"
Advisor Hult leaned closer, his breath caressing Cyrus' cheek. "You are aware of the presence of the Adeerian slave in your master's service?"
"Yes my lord, I am aware." Cyrus replied. He struggled to conceal the anger in his emotions. "They have allowed him to train with the prince on the weapon field. I am worried of my prince's well being. The slave could turn on him at any time!"
Advisor Hult smiled vaugly. "I hear your zeal against this enemy of the land of Dalt." Cyrus started to shake his head.
"No, don't deny it. Not all that the prince wants is good for him. Like a child to near a fire you must be on your guard so that when the fire reaches for the prince you will be there to stamp it out."
Advisor Hult put his hand on Cyrus' shoulder. "This is what I want you to do. Obey your instinct. Protect Prince Shapur from his toy, and kill it when you get the chance!"
Cyrus stood straight and saluted, fist to heart, a gesture of perfect obedience. "Yes my lord. I will be watchful, and I will be ready."

Advisor Hult nodded and walked down the corridor the way he had came. Cyrus felt the air warm and he let out a breath. His hands were damp with sweat, he dried them on his jacket.
"Kill it!" Advisor Hult's command echoed in his mind.
In all of his ten years of service to the prince he had never had to kill. Could he do it?
No matter how much he hated the sight of the tall young prisoner, did he have the guts to kill him?
He swallowed hard and pulled back his shoulders. His fingers stroked his knife handle, trying to call back the rage and fear he had felt earlier. His boots began to click out a rhythm on the stone.
He would be watchful, he would be ready.

The End
Thank you for reading, let me know what you think.


Beyond the Mask - Official Trailer [HD]

Beyond the Mask is a new christian movie coming out in April.

Through a organization called Gathr you can bring this movie to a theater right in your own home town. Go to http://www.beyondthemaskmovie.com/home for more info.


Feb 17, 2015

The First Post for the First Blog

What should I say in the first post of a new blog?

I should start with a "Hello," to all of my future readers, "welcome to Through the Realm of Dreams".
You may call me Jessica Rion Lockwood, or Jessica R. Lockwood, or Jessica Lockwood, or just Jessica.
I am a Christian girl who loves books, movies, candy and more.

On this blog( if I figure out how to use it :)) I want to share with you the realms of books, movies, and lots of amazing blogging sites that I love. I also want to share my own experiences and dreams.
